A beautiful library in the campus adds to the enrichment of the institution. Books on varied subjects are available for the students to make a thorough use to develop the art of reading and inculcate the habit of
self-study through reference material. This makes the children self-reliant and develops their cognitive and conative skills.’The library has a well selected collection of Books including Text Books, Reference Books,
Encyclopaedia, Journals, Periodicals, Newspapers and Audio Visual Media etc. New additions are constantly made in order to keep the library abreast of the latest. It has a spacious, well ventillated reading room. A separate reference area has been provided for the students as well as the faculty
members. Library membership is open for all the students and faculty members. Members are issued a library card for all transaction in the Library. Any pending
dues of books will draw fine

The School has 40 computers with broadbandInternetconnection accessible to students.it has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software like Windows, MS-Office, Multimedia software like FLASH, Photoshop, Image-Ready etc.
which cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum. The students also get exposure to computer programming through the computer languages like LOGO and QBasic in Elementary level and Visual Basic, JAVA and C++ at Senior level
Computer Lab

Science lab is a place where the divine curiosity of
students is at work. Physics, Chemistry and
Biology labs with well stocked chemicals,
apparatus and highly sophisticated equipments
and lab-specimens provide an open environment
for students to experiment and do research work.
The students are challenged with exciting projects,
giving them time for clashing with known
principles and existing data
Science Lab

Interactive smartboards: Replace traditional boards with touch-sensitive screens that bring lessons to life with visuals, animations, and real-time collaboration.
Digital Smart Board

To enrich the teaching ofMathematics at the school level,the math labhas been set up.The learning by Discover yapproach is practiced here andstudents are made towork onprojects and activities, whichhighlight the relevance ofmathematics. The lab alsoe n c o u r a g e s g r o u p a n dcooperative learning amongchildren. It encourages ‘do &discover’method andremovesthe fear of Maths in child.
Maths Lab